College Enrollment Becomes An Inter-State Fierce Competition

There are many surveys, facts and figures which show college enrollment in many institutions have shown a downward trend.  One can find decreasing enrollment is more significant in one state, such as in the Midwest, than in any other regions.  Therefore, there is no surprise when one or two states in those states are trying hard to keep their students fleeing from the state and attending colleges and universities in others places.

If our observations are correct, this fact simply show that competition among colleges for student enrollment has changed from regional/state to the next level.  Students and their families finally realize that, they, as consumers have many choices, and that they do not need to attend institutions in their home state.  Humans are rational, so, after a certain time lapsed their finally learned.  As the cost of education gets more expensive, consumers can now make a comparison, and finally have shown who is the boss and who has the “buying power”.  In this sense the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith’s proved that it works.

Consumers’ react to the ignorance behavior of past higher ed institutions.  In other words, they are fed-up.  Their frustration has reached a point of no-return.   There is no reaction if there isn’t any actions.  This suggests, past higher ed actions have proved to be flatly wrong, and now “they are reaping what they have sown“.  Any policy directed for a short-run interests/goals will suffer greatly in the long-run.  Got it?

We often heard story that said, in the long-run we all will die.  Therefore, a college administrator’s philosophy will be more concerned toward maximizing short-term metrics.  Especially for a young-aged person who plan to hop to another and larger institution who offers a larger pie.  The older ones’ interest is to retire at the organization where she or he is currently working.  These types of person do not have the interest to change anything, but BAU.  His only interest is to keep everything as present and make sure to keep the board members happy, and monthly pay check is undisturbed.  In order to achieve her or his purpose, she or her always looks up and copies what others are doing, by attending various association’s annual meetings or through a net-work of US universities presidents.