Is The American Education At Risk? (Part 5)

Yes, according this article. So, what factors have put the US education at Risk? The author of the article mentioned the legislative branch. In order to answer that important question, one needs to evaluate the whole elements that make-up the system. It can be approached from many angles. However, the most efficient way is from analyzing who are the stakeholders. The following list show the main players in the education industry:

  1. Students.
  2. Parents.
  3. Teachers.
  4. School administrators.
  5. Private companies–read lobbyists.
  6. Executive branch–administration or government.
  7. Legislative branch-the lawmakers in the Hill.

The list above can be cramped into 3 group: (1). Parents, students and School Administrators (PSSA); (2). Executive branch (EB); and (3).Legislative branch plus lobbyists (LBL). Furthermore, one might be able to squeeze further the above classifications into two groups ,i.e. the policy makers (PM) and the policy doers (PD). The article suspects that PM is the real culprit. Readers need to notice that one sub-element in PM is the lobbyists who provide services to make profit/money. Therefore, their interests often contradict the PD’s interests in which it has embedded parents’ interests. The real example of such a conflict is on student loans. Supposedly, PM should work for its constituents’ interests. But, in case of student loans it does not reflect that at all. Luckily, members of PM are elected officials with finite term to serve. Therefore, the constituents are able to select (vote) which of the candidate will be able to represent their needs. The constituents have the ability to make a rational choice, instead of irrational. Unless this issue got resolved, the US will continue facing the issue in its education. Please click the following links to access Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

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