The College Admissions: SCOTUS Recent Ruling

The recent ruling announced today (June 29, 2023) from the SCOTUS can be seen from two or more angles. It often depends on one’s interest or political agenda that will affect her or his state-of-mind on the issue. But, it does not matter how one looks at it, it is all about illusion. Illusion that if I can not be admitted at my or may parents’ dreamed schools, then my life or my family’s life will be doomed. If my daughter or my son did not get an admissions offer from “the parents’ dreamed school”, then my family will suffer from humiliations. It is all about absurdity that affects one’s state-of-mind. Overtime, it creates an illusion in the society–that only graduates from top-ranked schools will be (financially) successful. The money illusions have indirectly caused other crucial problems, such as happiness. Do the following 3 factors related to each other? Graduate from top-ranked schools; financially secured and happy life?

This particular policy has slowed the process of natural human selection (evolution) down which in turn affects the speed of society advancements. Having strong determination, and the will and ability to overcome challenges are the most important ingredients for success. With abundant helps to those who do not want to help themselves will not move the needle, not even an inch. Other factors could play roles to affect the end outcome, but it is minimal. In other words, to determine the winner(s) in any sort of competition or races need to be based on merits and not colors, and not politics. Learn from the athletics world. The best team with highly determination and talented support group will win and be the champion. Is Uncle Sam more diverse and financially more equality found this day compared to the condition prior to 1978-the year when the policy was first introduced? The answer may be yes–for the benefitted group, what about equality to other groups. Perhaps, initial (past/1978) SCOTUS’ decision has unintended consequences and it even widened the gaps to bring different colors–not just two colors, together. In conclusion, any policy created based on fictions or emotions–not facts, and away from merits will not even generated the third-best outcome. It never will for it is just an illusion–a way from reality.