Time for Certain US Colleges to Merge?

About three years ago AAEA has predicted that US colleges are going to have difficult time financially if they keep applying their “old” wisdom. Again and again we saw what we have predicted about two years ago became a reality. What surprise us was that none of these colleges have taken enough steps to cope with the potential problems until they got hit on the face. Even though we have presented clear evidences to support our finding, the Association saw little efforts to curb the spending spree and college mismanagement. Instead of proactive, they are reactive as shown recently in this article. If an institution keeps increasing the price of its product, sooner or later the consumers just do not have the ability to pay the price that they are charging (though they assume students will keep taking loans). What happening in the industry is nothing but the adverse reactions of the reckless pricing policy that these colleges have done in the past. We have argued rigorously and consistently that passing all the operational inefficiency to the consumers, to the tax payers or private contributors are things of the past. If these colleges are smart, perhaps they need to start thinking which peer institution (or competitor) that they can merge to (though this will not happen easily). By doing so, they can reduce all redundancies which will make the institution leaner. For example, when two colleges, A and B merged into one new institution, say C; then the new institution will only need one college president and one of each cabinet member, instead of two.  That way the legacy of both institutions will be preserved and written on the history book of College C.  It is pretty interesting to see how the restructuring process will bring the US Higher Ed to. Surely, there will be many small, private non-profit or Liberal Arts Colleges need to close their operation. There are too many of the same services offered in the same market. Things will get even gloomier if edX, Udacity and Coursera are able to streamline their programs and become the power house to deliver free online classes and that their issued certificates or diplomas are proved to be worthy and, therefore widely received by the employers. Welcome a new reality!