Time Is Right to Apply IRI Paradigm in the College Decision Making Process?

Note: This Blog has been updated on February 10, 2016!

Making a change is hard, and not everyone will embrace the call for a change easily. The Association has predicted accurately that this sort of changes will cause tensions as it has been shown recently in one of the US campuses. There will always be two sides of the story. But, strategic decisions have to be made based on past and present data as well as possible regulator’s policy changes in the future. Colleges have to use different yard sticks, than what and how they have been applied in the past when admitting college applicants. There will always be a conflict between the Admissions and Recruitment Office (who wants to bring as many students to campus as possible. Perhaps, including under-prepared students) and the Student Success Office (who wants to retain as many students as possible).  Lower student retention rates will surely affect negatively the institution’s score card (and lower operational budget, as a result).  The article said that the University President has to make a decision to cut the students off who may not be able to make it. Had the institution applies the IRI paradigm in the admissions process, we are very sure this unnecessary tension could ever happen.  IRI will help the decision makers to identify high risk students prior admitting them.  Unfortunate the process of identifying them was done after their got admitted and enrolled.