Is Cheating Becoming a Normal Game?

On December 14th, 2015, the Association has written and published an article i.e., ESCC. In this article the importance of checking financial accountability was stressed. Today we again learned why such an accountability is urgently needed. One problem after another found in the industry. While the regulator tries to deal with academic accountability, and now it has to deal with another bigger problem related to the institutions’ financial integrity, fraud and cheating. Corinthian and American Career Institute, or ACI are just two cases that show the tip of the iceberg. It did not just happen only at for-profit organizations. There are many more out there. As it is currently, the regulator just do not have enough man-power to conduct the financial accountability jobs on more than 6000 organizations. The fact of the matter was that it, the regulator just started to establish a unit within its organization to conduct such efforts starting in February, 2016 after the Association again and again urged it to do so.