Data: Visualization or Analytics?

Two years ago, AAEA has shared a discussion on the difference between Data Visualization and Data Analytics.  However, some people think they are the same.  While these two concepts are intertwined, they are not exactly the same.  For clarity, please click here.  In a more specific brand, data analytics applied on education industry is called Education Analytics or Institutional Research Intelligence (IRI).  Data analytics experts take visualized data one step further–that is, to tell the story behind them.  It has some sort of similarity between data and information found in Accounting concept first course.  Information is generated as results of processing the (raw) data which to be used in the decision making process.  Consequently, an Education Analytics (EA) expert has to understand and expected to have various background–not just stat, math, IT or databases.  But she or he should have a strong background in many other areas as it has been shown in the IRI elements.  Professionals with these skill sets are not many in the market.  Some higher ed institutions that can afford it, will hire different people to fill the shoes.  But those who do not have enough will only focus on IR instead of IRI.  Consequently, they cannot compete. An institution that has the professional, will be better off to make them happy–otherwise they can easily be recruited by others.