Happy Thanksgiving, Systematic Errors, Student Loans Scam and Moral Hazard

While some college students take a couple of days off to visit their family, perhaps, this year, the forbidden topic to talk about while having the traditional Thanksgiving dinner may also include student loans, in addition to religious and politics. It is too scary and too painful for some to even think about it. No one in her or his right mind would like to ruin the once-a-year family gathering by bringing the student loans topic on the dinner table.  It is such a precious moment to be tainted.  But not discussing about it, does not mean it will bring the issue away.

However, in the real life that what million of American families have to deal with many years to come in their life.  If the US lawmakers do not have the will to deal with the biggest issue in the 21th century in the history of the country, it may impact the future of young generation’s well being.  While there are many other current problems facing by the US, such as immigration, oil price, the declining of the DOW, trade wars and others, it seems the student loans issues are not in the regulator’s priority list, at least for now.  Consequently, it may catch everyone eyes by surprise–one day in the (near) future.  However, citizens of the country need to be thankful for the support of Uncle Sam to educate them, just need a little tweak to make it more efficient.