Student Loan Debt and 2020 Election

Recent discussions on personal finances revealed that majority of the American public is unquestionably concerned about their financial situation, and student loan debt seems to be one of the biggest issues.  Majority of the players, except for the students, their family, and portions of the American public, may have received the benefit directly or indirectly from the situation.  There are always two sides of the same coin and each side has its own story to justify its interest.

Yes, one may ask, what is the common zone where everyone feels comfortable with the student loan issues.  Looking at the data and the American public’s opinion, it is pretty obvious that one side of the coin is worse off for their wealth has been “legally” transferred to the other side of the same coin.  In any business arbitrage cases,  there is always one party who stays independent, the referee or the judge that has the role to bring both sides on the table that may lead to solve the disputes.

Unfortunately, that is not the case for student loans.  There is no designated referee  that can be considered as the judge.  Perhaps, among the three government branches, supposedly the executive branch will help to resolve the issue through public policy.  The reality is that there is hardly a regulation designed to protect the worse-off side of the coin.  The reason is simple for the focus of the current administration is not on education.  Rather, on the economy, in particular to increase the DOW through whatever means possible for it is seen as a viable success story that can be sold on the campaign trail.  However, one needs to observe if the market is the sole representative of the economic growth?  Perhaps, this is a new approach in economic theory of how one can measure the economic growth through the DOW, rather than the GDP.  But, one also can ask a critical question of how a simple tweet can increase the DOW by 400 points literally in a couple of minutes? How can GDP got affected by only one tweet? How then this relates to a real country economic growth?  How increasing in the DOW is able to ensure the economic equality among the citizens of UCLE SAM?

That having said, the American public has the opportunity to reverse the course.  To stop the wealth transfer from their hard-earned dollars to others which will forever change their financial burdens by participating in the big dance next year.  The student loan borrowers have the opportunity to express their voice which may have huge impacts not only on themselves, but also for their siblings’ future well-being.  This is the biggest moment for more than 64.6 million loan borrowers to change their financial challenges through collective efforts, called presidential election.  While the Association is neutral, and does not lean toward a particular candidate, the public may check candidate’s track record on this particular issue through the following article that has been written and shared in the BLOG.  In the article, AAEA has calculated a score and analyzed who is the strongest and reliable advocates for the student borrowers.  Who is strongly side with and for the borrowers as shown in the following recent article that confirmed again our independent observations, and data analytics based analyses.