A Win For America: Cancelled Student Loans

On August 24, 2022, the government announced to the American student loans borrowers that $10k or $20k for Pell recipients of their loans will be cancelled. It is truly amazing what AAEA has voiced to the American public many years ago, has finally became a reality. For years, AAEA has argued, and laid out the fundamental economic theory, the logic, and findings based on historical data and statistical analyses, of why such a policy is necessary. Some say, the timing is politically motivated because of the midterm elections. The facts are that such a cut will help million of borrowers, regardless of the political events that are going on. The average working class in America cares less about politics. Therefore, it does not matter what the motivations were, but to see the reality, the real positive impacts to the average American working class. The facts that the sufferings of young and adult Americans who have been treated as a working bees for many years to satisfy the Wall Street have been relinquished. It is all about common sense, and not because deep, blue, green, red, white, black or yellow states. Rather, the state of logic that matters. Majority of the American public follows the mass or collective consciousness or collective conscience which helps the society as a whole to navigate the ignorance, lies, deceit or disinformation. People have to start using their own rationality and consciousness in the decision making process. If every single American uses her or his own deductive reasoning to make inference, rather than believing on spread rumors or because the “Caesar” said so, kind of things, then collective conscience (CC) will or can be formed. This CC then is a powerful mechanism or tool to reject or to avoid making collective mistakes such that believing on illogical news spread among members of the American society.

CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA. You have shown your strength!!