Data and Midterm Elections

As the Americans are heading to cast their votes, there are so many distractions, lies, or even empty promises that have been thrown out there to lure voters. All these campaigns can be grouped into two categories-either lies or truthfulness. In such a case, the only way that voters can choose correctly is based on logical analyses and data in the decision making process. This BLOG article shows voters that it does not matter what the colors of one has-either green or olive. Data do not lie. Data do not depend on what the colors are. Data are reality–the presentation of facts; and they can be verified based on logic. Voters will hear either information, or worse yet dis-information, during this special events. For example, people are taking how bad the current economy is; or how expensive the gas price is. All of these inflation and rising food price talks are happening all over the world–and are just specifically occurring in the US. Needless to say that the US economy is still the best in the world–and thanks to the talent of those who are managing the economy which is, by far is still better than those of in other countries. Factors that affect all the high price–or the inflation if one wishes to call it, are affected by both external and internal factors. Crude oil importers cannot tell the exporting countries to sell their product at a price that the consumers want to pay (in extreme case–consumers always want to get everything for FREE, right?). Luckily, the Adam Smith’s infeasible hand always governs the market. It is all about demand and supply–and what is happening in the US, is just a shift in asset allocations due to uncertainties such as wars, global warming, exploding world population or geopolitics. None of these external factors can be controlled by anyone’s color, because they are independent–the world is bigger than any specific country. Therefore, using these external phenomena on the campaign trails are just reflections of lies, illogical, wishful thinking, and deceits. No one, in this planet–regardless of his color can govern droughts and make the level of Mississippi river back to the 50’s again. I wish, that I could!. Therefore, do not let deceit govern your life.