SCOTUS’ Current Decision: A Little Too Late

Better late than never, a little too late because no policy intervention will yield perfect outcome–not even the first best outcome. The reason is simple because human is not perfect. But one can learn from this case–why it took 44 years to undone a policy that supposed to integrate different colors, yet produced the opposite results? Again the answer to this question is because humans make errors. Humans are the reflection of the imperfection itself. SCOTUS is not the creator of the existing, not even close. But, if every member of it works in totality to promote humanity, the best policy that is “good” for everyone will be produced. Partiality will only generate partial outcome–and may cause damages to the other half. Therefore, logical decision needs to be based on facts–not emotion, prejudice, partisanship, interest groups represented by the lobbyists or colors.

Still, the Americans are waiting on its ruling on student loans forgiveness. It will make another historic decision. One should expect that whatever the ruling is–it will be imperfect decision. What matters from the ruling is-will the decision generates more pains or will it helps easing the financial pressures of every working-class family in America?