There is Only One: The USA

The US media has intensively covered SCOTUS’ recent ruling on college admissions. The analyses or comments that have been made often try to balance both sides, which is the core principles of how media coverage has to be done. Needless to say, while they are trying to balance their reporting, they got trap on the obsession to create the report title by using term or phrases which inciting more division among the society. For example, using the word “the liberals” or the “conservatives”. The use of these kind of terms will not help the country to heal–or to narrow the gap of differences among members in the society. There are no right or left–or blue and red or conservatives and liberals. There is only one–the United State of America. It is time for everyone to talk one nation-one country. As the big words quoted from the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal” has to be the foundation in all aspect of life in the country. One cannot make policy in partiality, because it is non-exitance in the “Declaration of Independence”. That having said, the 1978’s is not consistent with the ‘Declaration of Independence”.