It is Confirmed, Again and Again.

Many years ago, the Association has reminded US Colleges to be more efficient in managing their institution.  This repeated discussions and outlook were shared again to the public on January 1, 2018.  Today we learned that many other people, either after they read or learn from our BLOG, or based on their own observation has confirmed what we have expected in the past.  If institutions start cutting the cost after their are facing the financial problems, then it is a little too late.

It is not just about cutting cost, cutting tuition, or merger that is important, but the college culture needs to be changed.  How to live up the institution’s mission statement is important.  How to put that mission in every single person’s mind and soul in that institution to reach the organization’s goal is crucial and cannot be compromised.  Apparently, after so many years, the mission statement appeared in the colleges’ website, just a statement and has no effect, because it has no soul or truth–it is just an empty promise or just another marketing gimmick.  Because there is no formal entity (such as SEC in NYSE) to check it–accountability can be compromised, the accreditation agencies, which supposed to do their job, only doing it minimally.  It will take forever for the US to get the issues solved, if it ever happens.  The only source that can accelerate these transformations are providing more and tougher regulations.

People just work for the sake of their own interests, perhaps to get tenured, money, or the benefits that they can get, but may not for the most important stakeholders, which is the students as stated in the institution’s mission, their family and the society as a whole.

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